Lead Teams. Build Players. Change Lives.

You love rugby. Right? It's time to share the love. We make it easy.

Think about how you got started in the game we love. Someone, somewhere started the spark of interest and there was a whole community there to bring you on to the field and into the fold.

A coach. A team. Players and parents. A field; grass cut, lines painted. Goal post. A team to play. A league to play in. Refs and trainers.

You may have barely noticed a beautiful engine of people getting you there. And that’s ok. There was a lot of magic behind the scenes that allowed you as a player to enjoy the game and focus on being your best on the field.

It wasn’t magic. It was a lot of hard work by people that loved the experience of rugby enough to share it with you.

If you’re here. Reading this. Maybe you’re ready be one of those people. Ready to take a step to share your passion with others.

Interested. Click here.

Coaches Needed!

Clubs in our rugby communities rise and fall with their coaches. And when a coach moves on, inevitably the team winds down. We’ve recently seen an number of teams around the state and few teams here in the Lowcountry fold.

This is an alarming trend in South Carolina. While Wando has created a remarkably successful youth program in the Lowcountry, without local teams to play it will be difficult to sustain the momentum they have started.

We have a good thing going in the Lowcountry. A growing rugby culture is booming east of the Cooper. People are talking. Expectations are building. A growing international community here only adds to this momentum.

We hear frequently of people interested on playing teams where there is none around. WE NEED COACHES! At the same time, there are communities here that have never even heard of “rugby”. There’s a lot of work to do!

We’re not asking you to be a coach! (YET!). Our only goal here is to provide you with an onramp to contribute to our rugby culture at a pace that works for you. See if you like it. And this community will support you along the way.

Let’s Start the Conversation